
Elevate Your Well-Being: Experience the Transformative Power of our variety of wellness services!

Energy work offers a holistic approach to wellness, addressing the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, and spiritual health, ultimately empowering individuals to cultivate a greater sense of vitality and resilience in their daily lives.

What is it?

Energy work encompass a diverse range of holistic practices aimed at balancing and optimizing the flow of energy within the body.

Through techniques such as Reiki, Breathwork, Ayurvedic massage and other modalities, practitioners facilitate the removal of energetic blockages and promote harmony within the mind, body, and spirit. By tapping into the body's subtle energy systems, these therapies can alleviate physical discomfort, reduce stress, enhance mental clarity, and promote emotional well-being.

Through regular sessions, individuals may experience increased vitality, improved immune function, deeper relaxation, and a heightened sense of overall balance and harmony.

"In the realm of energy, everything is interconnected; our thoughts, emotions, and actions shape the world around us."


Sarah Poirier

If you are looking for help with healing, and guidance you came to the right place.

I offer Reiki and Somatic healing, separately or together. Through these modalities I can help you rewire your bodies subconscious belief systems, move past blocks, and gain insight that will help you accomplish the things that you desire. I can help you unlock your bodies unique inner wisdom, leading you to new levels of confidence, self discovery, and a deeper foundation of safety in your body.

During a Reiki session I will be placing my hands over your energy centres while you are laying down to clear and balance energy, and tap into the wisdom, wounds, and gifts that your energy centres and spirit guides are waiting to show me. Using my intuition, I have the ability to bring forward things that have been buried in the subconscious and bring them to the surface. Reiki is for everyone. It is a gentle and great way to support your healing process.

During a somatic session as you are sitting in a chair, with your eyes closed, I will begin to ask you questions to get you to shift your awareness around. My guidance will allow you to turn down the mind channel, and tune into the body, and all of the channels of awareness. This is another way we can bring subconscious beliefs to the surface to be purged and rewired. This method of nervous system regulation is scientifically proven through studying how mammals digest survival energy. It is also based on how plant medicines work to purge trauma from the system. You will learn how to safely feel, and express big emotions. You may be able to receive clear and distinct messages from your body. This work has the potential to completely change your life.

As C.G. Jung says… “Until you make the subconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it fate.”

Follow along on Instagram @creatinginneralchemy

Meet Keisha, a 200Hr RYT and certified Ayurvedic head massage practitioner!

Ayurvedic Head Massage:

Are you ready to nourish your scalp, rejuvenate your skin, and uplift your soul? A deeply nourishing treatment that goes beyond relaxation. Drawing from ancient wisdom and modern practices, my approach combines energy work, acupressure, and marma point therapy to release tension and restore vitality.

Durning your one-hour session you’ll experience the gentle adornment of organic oils as I work along energy lines of the chest, neck, shoulders, face, and scalp. Designed to promote blood flow and lymph circulation, enhance oxygenation of the brain, and encourage hair growth.

Each session begins with a grounding ritual, inviting you to let go of stress and embrace a state of calm. Working from chest, shoulders, neck, and face. Transitioning to the head and scalp, known as Champissage, the rhythmic movements of my hand stimulate circulation, leaving you feeling revitalized and refreshed.

Experience the transformative power of Ayurvedic Head Massage. Where every session is a sacred journey towards inner peace and well-being. Book your appointment today!

Keisha Talbot

Book Your Service


Reiki (60mins): $100

Reiki + Somatic Session (60 mins): $135

Ayurvedic Head Massage (60 mins):

Regular $99

September Promo: $88

Let’s work together

Interested in booking a session but want to learn more? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!