Megan Dawson
I started my yoga journey at 18 years old. Admittedly I hated my first yoga class and left feeling frustrated and never wanting to take another class. It was my Dad who encouraged me to keep going. He introduced me to a teacher that changed everything. It was not long before I was immersed in the yoga community. My passion for the practice lead to my decision to become a Yoga Teacher.
I completed my teacher training in 2013 and have been teaching ever since. I teach a wide variety of classes but I specialize in beginner classes and yoga basics.
My goal as a teacher is to help new yogi's feel confident, remain safe and free of injury as they move through their asana practice. My training has all been very traditional, so when it comes to my teaching my philosophy is about respecting the needs of each individual. I am always inspired by the transformation students, that look one someone's face when they finally get that posture they have been working on, that "ah ha" moment when they realize they are so much more than they have given themselves credit for.
Yoga is a journey that never ends, it changes and grows just as we do. I am truly grateful I get to share my knowledge and passion with my students.